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With the show Lookout - Architecture with a View, for the first time an entire exhibition pays tribute to an architectural style based on sweeping scenic vistas. Lookout offers visitors unknown outlooks and perspectives.
A horizontal rail of historic postcards with views and a cloud of quotations related to scenery and panorama receive visitors in the entree. From there, they are guided on wooden trails diagonally through the the exhibition rooms. A collage-like overall picture of lookout architecture is spread out on the floor. Reminding of a checkered carpet, pictures of about thirty projects sprawl densely like architectural plans. Some constructions emerge as mockups on purpose-built, delicate pedestals. Vertical text rails, which contrast with the horizontal orientation of the trails and the foto collage, inform about different subjects: „Ecology&Habitat“, „Art&Architecture“, „Tourism“, „Urban Interventions“, „Fun&Spectacle“, and „Engineering“.
At the end of the wooden rails open up special outlooks: Visitors can change perspectives on referee seats. Two paths lead into a small room with windows. A yellow foil is pasted on the window pane so that the familiar landscape is presented in an alienated way.