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The Jewish Museum Berlin is seizing on its 10th anniversary as an opportunity to take stock. The special exhibition “How German is it?” shows works from 30 artists addressing key aspects of their perception in and of Germany. The design of the exhibition reflects the ambivalent cultural relationships dealt with by the artworks.
The exhibition is a voyage of discovery touching on phenomena that lie between national consciousness, the feeling of being at home, belonging and exclusion.
The design of the exhibition reflects the ambivalent cultural relationships dealt with by the artists involved. A white cube has been installed in the elegant 18th-century baroque building, partially reproducing the layout of its exhibition rooms. Tilting and rotating this implanted structure slightly has created a contrast between old and new. The gently sloping floors and crooked walls disorientate the visitor and distort the usual horizontal and vertical reference planes. In this respect, the exhibition architecture takes up the idea behind the Museum’s Daniel Libeskind-designed extension: visitors open up their senses, intensifying their perception of the space and the art.