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The rumour mill always works overtime; and the exhibition "Rumour" is devoted to this fascinating and fleeting phenomenon. A colourful and atmospheric setting has been created for the show.
A narrow corridor leads visitors into the realm of "Fama", a contemporary visualization of the goddess of rumours from classical mythology. Seductive as she may be, "Fama" should be treated with caution because the rumours that she spreads can be harmless or destructive, depending on her mood. The central point of her glittering domicile is the "whispering wood", an impenetrable and yet fragile network of timber. Entangled within it, she displays her trophies: originals as well as exhibits and interactive stations specially developed and produced for the exhibition.
"Fama's" faithful assistant is the rumour-monger. He scours the print media and the internet for tittle-tattle, relays it "hot off the presses" to exhibition visitors, and simultaneously persuades them to reveal their latest gossip.
The exhibition has been showed in the Museum of Communication in Bern and in an adapted version, in the Museum for Communication Berlin.