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New working worlds, DASA

The redesigned permanent exhibition area in the DASA deals with the future of work. Exhibiting the future is demanding. Even if the future cannot be predicted, trends in a social and economic transformation can be seen. The focus of the exhibition is therefore not on a concrete representation of possible future working worlds, but is to show that the future and the work of the future are open and can thus be designed.
A transparent wall element with historical visions of the future welcomes the visitors. Four abstract, slightly changing and neutrally designed exhibition bodies characterise the main exhibition space behind. A "sky of lights", a ceiling element provided with light sources, connects the exhibition bodies to an installation. On the themed islands created in this manner, incentives are created with objects, films and interactive offers to reflect on one's own view regarding the future of work. By means of the arrangement of the islands in the space, the Plaza results in the centre, on which protagonists from the topic fields – technology, services or knowledge work – emerge as video projections and describe their idea of the future world of work and its important values. Projections with representations of the megatrends such as globalization, digitization and demographic change on the coloured exterior walls form a creative and spatial framework for the exhibition unit. An interactive future exchange invites the visitors to design and record their own visions of the future.