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Cinema Rex

As part of the site development Rex Max Thun the fully refurbished Cinema Rex will soon host five new cinema auditoriums with 1000 seats and a newly designed bar. The refurbishment replaces the original Cinema Rex which was built in the early 1950s.
Two intertwined structures spiraling down from the ceiling of the entrance are forming the core of the foyer at the Cinema Rex in Thun. On the ground floor a rounded, shiny composition is hosting the ticketing office as well as the bar welcoming cinema visitors as well as other guests during opening hours. On the first floor the structure tapers upward to the ceiling and is accessible via an interior staircase. The structure serves as a connection between the foyer and the events area on the first floor.
In terms of colors and materials the original Rex acted as source of inspiration: the color concept consists mainly of black, white and a spectrum of vivid red hues. High-gloss finishes, neon contours, rounded light fittings and illuminated, ornate lettering are taking visitors back to the times when the original establishment was set up.
Inspiration was also derived from the movies of the Cinema Noir era of the 1950s. The main structure in the foyer is surrounded by a unique carpet design which displays characteristic color inlays – an hommage to the classic cinema spotlights. The walls are highlighting subjects from well known movie scenes, shadow figures of famous movie stars are setting visitors off in the right mood for a visit to the cinema. Textile designer Claudia Caviezel recreated these famous movie scenes, documented them anew and enhanced them graphically. The seemless transition between the floor and the wall causes a harmonious overall composition.